Public Agency Certification

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Fleet Maintenance


Fleet maintenance shops for government agencies and utilities can apply for EcoBiz Auto Certification. To apply, or learn more about our standards download the Auto Services checklist and guide.

Parks & Rec Departments

City and county parks and recreation departments can gain recognition through EcoBiz. Follow the steps below, and download the Landscape Services checklist to get started.



Certification Steps

1. Download and fill out the applicable Checklist and Guide.

The checklist will help evaluate your environmental performance and the guide will provide resources and information on our standards.

Checklist questions fall into three categories:

  1. LEGAL – Sector specific, local and state requirements.*
  2. PROGRAM – Core EcoBiz standards, requirements.*
  3. ELECTIVE – Additional steps for improved environmental excellence, 80% of applicable questions required.*

*If a question doesn’t apply to your business, check N/A.

2. Submit your application.

You can submit your application, request technical assistance, or ask a question from our contact page.

3. Schedule a site visit.

Once your application has been received, an EcoBiz representative will review your checklist and schedule a site visit. The initial site visit will allow EcoBiz to verify your answers, and provide additional recommendation on how to become certified. Once all the requirements have been met, EcoBiz will arrange a final certification visit at your businesses with representatives with the Oregon DEQ and a local government agency. For additional information on how to meet EcoBiz Requirements contact us.


Website Profile

Once certified, your shop’s location, website, and phone number will be listed the map and certified business page. Businesses will have the option to post additional profile information and a logo or picture. Newly certified businesses will also be featured on our blog and social media platforms.

Certification Logo Usage

Certified agencies are encouraged to use the EcoBiz logo to promote certification on their websites, vehicles, uniforms and other promotional materials. If you are currently certified, contact us to receive the logo that suits your needs. Certification is good for three years, with recertification required every five years after.