Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) Fleet Services, located at 1850 SW 170th Ave in Beaverton, Oregon, has recertified as an EcoBiz. First certified in 2006, TVWD Fleet has continued to go above and beyond environmental compliance and serve as an example for other fleets.
“Tualatin Valley Water District’s robust vehicle fleet and equipment management program earned us this prestigious honor,” said Matt Oglesby, Asset Management Division Manager. “We’re committed to operating our fleet in an environmentally-conscious manner by incorporating ways to reduce our fleet’s environmental impact while maximizing the life of our equipment.”
Several important upgrades have been made in recent years to help the environment, including:
- Decommissioning a 500-gallon underground storage tank;
- Upgrading to double-walled storage tanks for all oil products;
- Moving all waste and scrap metal under cover to protect storm water;
- Adding a recycling sorting area for bulbs, plastics, and miscellaneous;
- Updating spill plan (SPCC Plan) and adding several spill cleanup kits where liquids are stored and transferred.
To learn more about EcoBiz Certification, email bwendell@pprc.org
Website: www.tvwd.org
Phone: 503-848-3000