Portland Edible Gardens has received EcoBiz Certification, gaining recognition for their sustainable business practices. Portland Edible Gardens specializes in building custom raised garden beds, planting edible landscaping, and providing personalized seasonal planting plans and maintenance services. Owner Ian Wilson knew EcoBiz certification would matter to his customers, and knew he was already meeting very high standards of pollution prevention as a horticulturalist and organic farmer.
Portland Edible Gardens goes further than most landscaping firms:
- Education – They offer classes and one-on-one mentorship for clients and students on how to become a skilled vegetable gardener. Clients receive a detailed handbook that covers practices and horticultural information for their garden.
- Raised beds will soon be made with juniper, an excellent pest and rot-resistant wood like cedar, but also an invasive tree. Using juniper will help to restore local natural forests by providing financial gain for removing juniper trees.
- Soils are lab tested before bringing them to the client’s garden to guide amendment to the proper balance of nutrients, micronutrients, and soil organic matter.