Back in 1999, they were the first auto shop to become EcoBiz Certified. Fifteen years later, Hawthorne Auto Clinic continues to uphold and evolve their high environmental standards. In June, EcoBiz program staff with the PPRC and the Oregon DEQ, recertified Hawthorne Auto Clinic for an additional 5 years.
The shop continues to adapt and improve in ways large and small: investing in paperless computer systems, acquiring boxes to safely store fluorescent tubes, recycling non-curbside plastics, and installing a 17kW PV roof-top solar array.
Hawthorne Auto Clinic specializes in the repair and maintenance of hybrids, family cars, light trucks and SUV’s, 1990 and newer. They recently became the Pacific NW warranty service center for the all-electric TH!NK City EV, and provide complementary bus passes to customers.
Hawthorne Auto Clinic is located at 4307 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland, OR. For more information, visit